Welcome back! So far we have been sort of inconsistent with our posting: we'll have 6 posts one week and only 2 the other. This may be the case at the moment, as we are still new to the 'blogging business'.
Today, we are letting out some of our top foodography tips. Foodography is a hobby that is taking a toll this year. The activity involves cooking, photography and art: a great recipe for well-being. If you have been scrolling through our Pinterest pages, you may have seen this quick guide to foodography that we uploaded recently. But this guide is only just scratching the surface: we still have loads more to tell you. So, if foodography feels like it could be your thing (prepare to receive tons of eye-rolling from family members...), then scroll on to find out our top tips to mastering this awesome art.
Tip One: The Ultimate Gift Guide for the Foodographer...
Okay, so you want to take up foodography, right? But what do you actually need? Most of the essentials for foodography you can get at Target for under $5. Consider them a gift to yourself! We've sorted the items into categories to help you find exactly what you need.
cooking supplies
Flat surface
Camera (can be on phone)
Pretty napkins, bowls, spoons... the list goes on!
Good camera
Bread board or platter plate
Tip 2: Where Do I Take a Good Photo?
Not good, great. This guide will leave you with results you will love. But where to start? This is a question all beginner foodographer's will ask. Where do I take the photos? One essential spot to take a photo is by an open window - even better, outside! Your subject (food, of course) will look so much better in natural sunshine - in fact, its similar to us! We look and feel so much better when we spend time in natural light rather than cooped inside all day.
Another spot to take your photo is one something pretty, eg. a nice bread board, table, cloth... as we said above, the list goes on!
Tip 3: Designer Diner
Hello, Designer Diner! You might find yourself questioning how -just how- do you make the meal you are photographing actually look good? Here are our top tips:
Style the meal with fruit, seeds, grains, and more! Consider sprinkling a cupcake with sprinkles, or a smoothie with nuts and coconut flakes.
Make the background pop by sprinkling it with things too! A dusting of sugar on the breadboard provides an epic background for a cake or cookie.
Smooth things out. Every foodographer loves there spoons: and you can too! Smooth, slick and style away! For example, smooth out porridge with a round-edge spoon to add a neat look.
Add texture, patterns and themes. When styling your food, pay close attention to where things are placed. Consider developing a colour theme or arranging topings in patterns to add a dignified feel.
Top Tips: Extra advice
So, all the above has been covered, but the photo just doesn't look right yet. What else can you do? Here is our final advice...
Change it up! Experiment with different angles, styles, themes, lighting...
Set a colour scheme, or get rid of it! Either your current colour scheme is working, or you just don't feel it. Consider swapping colours or banning a set colour completely. (Rainbow is an eye-catcher!)
Pour, drip or sprinkle... While you take the photo, try sprinkling sugar or pouring milk or syrup over the subject. This provides a very professional look.
Now that you have read all of our advice, try taking your photos! They may be terrible at first, but you will get better, we promise! Don't forget to pin our 1-minute guide (above) so that all the best advice is with you everywhere!
Thank you, and enjoy your journey! xx
