We all have our moments when we have no idea what to do and we become bored out of our brains so here's some ideas to consider doing when that time comes...
1. Rearrange your wardrobe. There is not better time to do this than when your bored. You have empty space in your brain to welcome new and fresh ideas.
2. Cook. Make a delicious batch of brownies or some french toast to devour. Take your time and put love and happiness into your creations!
3. Paint, draw, sketch, write. Draw a portrait picture of your cat or write a story about three evil aliens who want to take over the world. Get a fresh piece of paper and let your imagination take over. Have some fun!
4. Write a letter. Write it to anyone. Not only will they be joyful upon the arrival of your lovely letter but you will feel fulfilled. Pour your heart out and write about your recent adventures!
5. Catch up on all your favourite blog posts. Surf the internet and discover some new facts. Check out pinterest or scroll through our pages.
6. Take photos. You can check out our post on foodography or take some photos of a bunch of flowers. Explore your talent behind the camera!
7. Take a walk. Get some fresh air and enjoy the natural beauties outside of the four walls you have been cooped inside.

We hope these ideas cure your serious case of boredom! xx